Friday, 24 July 2009


You can download the slides from here. These are the files as we used them. They contain errors (small) and there is no bibliography. I will post corrected files very soon, as soon as I get a chance. There will also be a full bibliography. This will probably be on Monday (I have drinking plans until then).


  1. hi,
    just wanted to ask whether you have put in the corrections of the slides - and it would also be great to have the bibliography.

    and thanks for the course, it was interesting, although sometimes chaotic ;)

    best, Theodora

  2. Hi,

    Yes, I'm sorry for the delays - we were both flooded by other commitments when we returned to York, and haven't had much time to work on updating the slides. We still plan to do so and will post corrected versions as soon as we can.
